Navigating to a document
You can use the Navigation views in the Meridian Web Client to browse to documents just as you can in the other Meridian client applications.
But unlike the other Meridian client applications, you must open a document property page before the menu bar is visible and you can work with the document.
To navigate to a document:
- From the View menu, select the Navigation view that displays the most information you know about the document you are looking for.
- Click the icon or name of the folder that best matches the information you know about the document you want find. The folder opens to reveal its contents. To close the folder, click it again. A green check mark
indicates the current folder.
- When you find the document you are looking for, click the document name hyperlink in the Navigation view. The document’s property pages appear. Click the document’s icon in the Navigation view instead to view the document in a viewer window.